Parent Pick Up / Drop Off
Morning Drop Off
Doors open at 7:15 AM. This year, all students will enter via the Main Entrance. The doors by the gym/café will remain locked. As you arrive, please pull into the bottom lot and begin forming two lanes. Approximately 6 cars will be sent to the curb at a time, alternating between the two lanes. When you reach the curb, your student should immediately get out and head toward the building via the sidewalk. Please do not wait to get closer to the front of the line. If your car has been sent to the curb, that means it’s time to disembark! After dropping off, exit via the top lot behind the buses.
Afternoon Pick Up
As you arrive for parent pick up, pull into the lower lot and begin forming four lanes. If you happen to be in the first 20ish cars, you can pull around back into the middle lot, facing out toward O’Fallon Road. Everyone else needs to use the entire lower lot and all four lanes. We anticipate an increased number of parent pick up cars this year, so it is essential that we utilize every inch available! We don’t want to block O’Fallon Road, so we’ll have to work together to get everyone on the lot.
When students are dismissed, car riders will walk down the sidewalk and then move into the lower lot to find their cars. Once ALL students are in their cars, we will begin releasing parent pick-up. Walkers will be held in the building until the buses have been dismissed, and then they will be walked to the O’Fallon Road crosswalk.