On behalf of our entire staff, I would like to welcome all new and returning students and families to Francis Howell Middle School. We are looking forward to meeting new faces and seeing familiar ones! It continues to be an honor to serve Francis Howell Middle School, a school with strong traditions of academic excellence, strong family and community support, and dedicated staff.
In our 33rd year of serving students and families, Francis Howell Middle School consistently ranks in the top of the state for ELA and Math. These achievements and recognitions are not only a reflection of our dedication to high academic standards, but to our focus on character development. Our students continue to establish meaningful relationships, develop maturity and perseverance, and become creative, critical thinkers.
Francis Howell Middle School is a National Blue Ribbon School, recognized in 2021 for exemplary academic achievement. Exemplary High Performing Schools are among their state's highest-performing schools as measured by state assessments and nationally normed tests. Francis Howell Middle School is also a National School of Character, recognized in 2008 and 2017 for exemplary leadership in the principles of Character Education. Francis Howell Middle School maintains a steadfast focus on both academics and character and we are proud to be recognized by these prestigious honors.
Our staff is committed to ensuring that all students at Francis Howell Middle School receive the best education and middle school experience possible. We will continue to build a positive school culture that promotes well-being, a sense of belonging, and a love for learning. I am confident that through open communication and a focus on what is in the best interest of children, we will continue to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.
Together, I know we will make this school year one of continued growth and achievement for all children. As always, thank you for your support and partnership in your student’s education.
As a District focused on continuous improvement, each of our 23 schools develops a site-based school improvement plan every year. The plan outlines the goals and actions the building plans to take throughout the year to improve various areas of performance.
Excellence in community, character, and academics.
School Handbook
The student handbook summarizes District policy and contains general guidelines and information. Translated copies of this Handbook are available. Contact the school office.